Thursday, April 30, 2009

Crisis Over Berlin and the Bay of Pigs

Kennedy had one main goal to help him through the Cuban missile crisis and that was proving to Khruschev his determination to contain communism. In 1961, Berlin was a city in great turmoil. In the past 11 years since the Berlin Airlift, just barely 3 million East Germans had gled into West Berlin because it was free of the Communist rule. These people were the example of the failure of East Germany's Communist government. Their leave also deeply weakened that country's economy.
At a summit meeting in Bienna, Austria, in June 1961, Khrushev threatened to sign a treaty with East Germany that would enable that country to close all access roads to West Berlin, in hopes to solve his problem. Kennedy'z determination and America's superior nuclear striking ower prevented Khrushev from closing the air and land routes between West Berlin and West Germany. After days of hard work, the Berlin Wall was erected, spearating East Germany from West Germany.

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