The theme for our poster was, “We are technologic”. We decided to do our project on the advancement of technology in the United States. Technology is a huge part of our everyday society and the advances the country makes in technology greatly affect the possibilities in other fields. We modeled our box like an old computer because a lot of our found art was computer or computer chip related. We wanted item’s that fit into our technology theme. Since the overall box was supposed to look like a computer, we used an actual keyboard and wires. We showed the different types of recording equipment during this time such as VHS tape, a cassette tape, and an early audio CD. We chose two posters that explained the way that these new computer chips worked and a microprocessor chip from Zilog. We also brought in an old Texas Instrament calculator, a Holme remote, a lightbulb for a projector, a sticker with the innovative Apple computer logo on it, along with pictures and quotes from the founders of Apple and Microsoft. The first step collecting our found art was looking to see what each of us owned relating to technology from the 1970’s through 1980’s. Once we had about twenty items using this method we double-checked when each was produced in order to make sure we didn’t present any false information. Here we started to organize our found art into different piles for what they are used for. We picked our found art out of these piles hoping to have the most variety possible. The found art items that we brought in are important because they show the way that technology advances such as the cassette to an audio CD. Technology will continue to advance as our country grows older, and it is important to keep innovation in mind to fulfill our full technological potential. The only thing that I think could be done differently would be to start assembling the box’s earlier to make sure that everyone is prepared for the deadlines. My advice for next year’s class would be to pick a theme with as many found art opportunities as possible. I think that technology for my group was not hard to come up with compared to the Watergate Trials fro example.
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